Cellulite refers to the appearance of dimpled skin on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen of most women and some men, too. About 80% of women aged over 20 suffer from cellulite. Fat deposits get trapped and squeezed between the stiffened fibrous bands that connect the skin's tissues, leading to the dreaded puckered effect on upper and outer thighs and buttocks, and also the stomach and arms.
Cellulite is largely unrelated to weight, as even slim supermodels have it. Cellulite is not a serious medical condition, but it may affect your self-conscious when wearing shorts or a swimming suit. If you have cellulite, the earlier you start treatments, the faster you can get rid of it.
Cellulite and Lipomassage (LPG)
Few people realize that unsightly patches of cellulite are not improved by either physical exercise or even the strictest weight-control diets.
To reactivate the adipose tissue and achieve a long-lasting elimination of cellulite, it must be stimulated. Therfore we offer french method of Lipomassage (LPG) with Cellu M6 Keymodule - the first device in the world to be recognized by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) as a proven solution to cellulite and body contouring.

Why Lipomassage works against cellulite?

Combined action of dosed vacuum and roller massage triggers deep biological responses: tissue that traps the adipocytes (fat cells) are softened and blood and lymphatic circulation is restarted. Fiboblasts are stimulated to increase collagen and elastin production.
Results: The fat release process (Lipolysis) is reactivated to naturally eliminate localized fat and imperfections.
Lipomassage is 100% natural treatment, which has a much deeper effect than any other method able to treat cellulite, sagging skin, resistant fat deposits, while fully respecting all the components of skin tissue.

Proven results by more than 100,000 women worldwide
After 6-8 sessions, stubborn fat reserves are broken down, curves are re-sculpted, cellulite is smoothed and loose skin is firmed – naturally.
The results obtained through the use of LPG method have been also proven by scientific studies of 105 leading European and American universities. And on top, supported by more than 100,000 women worldwide having taken Lipomassage as a daily and integral part of their cosmetic care.
A gentle, relaxing treatment that really works. Soothe your soul and tone your body. To ensure you always get the best possible results, our skilled Endermologie Therapists are trained and certified by LPG Systems, the developer of this safe, effective procedure.
Video results of Lipomassage by LPG
Cellulite removal - pricelist

1 treatment LPG Lipomassage (cellulite removal) - 40 min
1 350 CZK
1 trial treatment LPG Lipomassage - 10 min
for free
Elastic body (costume) - Endermowear
1 000 CZK
Special packages: cellulite removal
Package Lipomasage
- Includes:
6 treatments Lipomassage
+ free elastic costume in value 1000Kč - Validity: 2 months
- You save: 1 000 CZK
Package Lipomassage
- Includes:
10 treatments Lipomassage + 2 free treatments + elastic costume in value of 1000Kč
- Validity: 3 months
- You save: 3 700 CZK
Package Lipomassage
- Includes:
16 treatments Lipomassage + 3 free treatments + elastic costume in value of 1000Kč
- Validity: 4 months
- You save: 5 050 CZK
Package Maintenance
- Includes:
7 treatments Lipomassage
(once per month – recommended) - Validity: 7 months
- You save: 1 750 CZK
Client comments

Innovation! Anti-cellulite body wraps
Are your jeans feeling uncomfortably tight? Would you do pretty much anything to get rid of your cellulite?
Try Body Strategist (Comfort Zone) treatments, which provide full-body stimulation to enhance your circulation, metabolism, and lymphatic flow. The efficiency of Comfot Zone is proven as the Best European Spa Cosmetic Product in 2006, then the Asia Spa Award as Best Spa Product in 2008 and the award Marie Claire Prix d’Excellence 2010.
With Body Strategist anti-cellulite wraps you get:
- Customized to each body type and condition, this wrap eliminates fatty deposits and increases surface skin blood flow through a gentle heating and freezing action.
- Specialty massage techniques assist in oxygenating and reshaping the tissues, contrasting all signs of the various stages of cellulite.• Skin is visibly toned and compact.
- For best results, use our at home products, paired with a series of 5 treatments once a week.
Anti-cellulite body wraps - pricelist
Body Strategist + Algae Slimming 3in1 - 90 min
Slimming, forming and tonifying algae treatment
A powerful treatment which combines the strength of algae and specific active ingredients for the treatment of cellulite, to give energy boost to the metabolism. The lypolysis increases, favouring a slimming action and the tissues become remineralized and reoxygenated, gaining compactness and tone
1 890 CZK
Body Strategist AROMATHERAPY WRAP - 75 min
Cellulite wrap series to fight "orange peel" and hardened (fibrous) cellulite
Customized cellulite treatment series based on the use of essential oils and natural active ingredients for a detoxifying, reducing and tonifying action.
1 690 CZK
Body Strategist THERMOGENIC ATTACK - 75 min
Double action cellulite treatment for high level of cellulite.
An intense treatment specifically for fat pads and resistant cellulite characterized by localized adiposity. The thermogenic action stimulates microcirculation and favours the absorption of active ingredients with a lipolytic action. this treatment is not advised for people with fragile capillaries, thyroid concerns and during pregnancy
1 690 CZK
Package Cellulite Body Wrap 4+1 free - you save 1 890 CZK!
Package Cellulite Body Wrap 6+2 free - you save 3 780 CZK!
Result od Cellulite removal
If you are not sure, which treatment suits you the most, you can book a free consultation:
► By phone +420 222 54 20 69
► Online
BeautyShape - Hair and Beauty salon in Prague. Over 100 beauty services at one place.
We recommend these products for cellulite to use at home
Inovativní liposomální cream gel pro léčbu celulitidy a otoku
Tajemství inovativní receptury je vysoce dermo-kompatibilní liposomální struktura, která umožňuje, aby aktivní látky pronikaly hluboko do celulitidy. Účinný drenážní efekt zlepšuje mikrocirkulaci, okysličuje a revitalizuje tkáně pro viditelné snížení otoku celulitidy.
Vhodný pro léčbu otoku celulitidy, otoku nohou a zadržování přebytečné vody v tele.
Akce! Při nákupu nad 1000 Kč Vám vrátíme 15% z částky zpět. Více zde >
Remodelující termogenní krém
Intenzivní krém s dvojitou termogenní akcí, bojuje s nedostatky lokalizované a převážně tukové celulitidy. Termogenní akce stimuluje znatelný střídající pocit tepla a chladu.
Rezistentní tuková celulitida doprovázena lokalizovaným adipozitem (stehna, kolena, lýtka a kotníky). Doporučujeme denní aplikaci kroužkovou masáží nejméně měsíc.
Akce! Při nákupu nad 1000 Kč Vám vrátíme 15% z částky zpět. Více zde >
24h hodinové remodelující multi-aktivní náplasti
Napomáhají viditelně snižovat lokalizovaný tuk a zabraňují tvorbě nových tukových polštářků. Zajišťuje drenážní a hubnoucí efekt. Rychlý a pohodlný, při použití vzhledem ke své malé velikosti a silnou přilnavostí. Je neviditelná a přitom aktivní po celý den.
Aplikujte jednu náplast denně na suchou pokožku na oblast kde jsou nedokonalosti nejvíce patrné.
Vhodný pro všechny typy celulitidy. Pro intenzivnější účinek, doporučujeme v kombinaci s body strategist+ cream nebo cream gel po dobu alespoň čtyř týdnu.
Akce! Při nákupu nad 1000 Kč Vám vrátíme 15% z částky zpět. Více zde >
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is LPG techniques really effective? Is it scientifically proven?
LPG's techniques have been used for many years by plastic surgeons, dermatologists, doctors, physical therapists, institutes, and spas throughout the world. Their efficacy has been proven by more than 132 clinical and scientific studies. The main study, coordinated by Professor Lafontan (INSERM, Toulouse), demonstrates that the latest generation of CELLU M6 motorized rolls activates lipolysis (fat elimination increased by 70%) by stimulating the fat cell via its ß receptors, which are responsible for the removal of fat.What are the contraindications?
In general, LIPOMASSAGE should not be practiced in cases of serious and progressive illness, serious blood circulation disorders, phlebitis, or pregnancy. If in doubt, ask your practitioner or doctor for advice.Does it hurt?
Although it is intense, a good LIPOMASSAGE should never hurt! Instead, during and after the session, you have a true sense of well-being. If the session is painful, the setting is not adequate. Do not hesitate to speak with your practitioner.How Often Should I Have Treatment?
Twice per week is optimal, with at least one day in-between treatments. In certain cases, three times per week is advisable. Once you’ve reached your plateau, you’ll want to maintain your appearance with one treatment each month or as needed.Do I need to follow a diet along with my LIPOMASSAGE sessions?
It all depends on your weight and your beauty goals! All sorts of diets can help you to lose weight, but rarely where you want to. In addition, cellulite is usually unaffected by even the strictest diets. LIPOMASSAGE specifically targets these stubborn areas. Ideally, your LIPOMASSAGE program will be paired with a varied, balanced diet and regular physical exercise (ex. 30 minutes of walking per day).What is ENDERMOWEAR?
LPG ENDERMOWEAR is a clothing specially designed for LIPOMASSAGE. For personal use, it ensures perfect hygiene, and its opaque areas protect your privacy during the treatment. The ENDERMOWEAR's unique composition ensures an excellent grip of the skin for an even more effective LIPOMASSAGE.Do the results last?
Results appear quickly and last. After a program, one session per month is generally sufficient to maintain the effects of the LIPOMASSAGE.