pmu removal prague

Permanent makeup removal. Saline and laser microblading removal

Looking for permanent makeup removal?

If you do not like your permanent makeup, we can offer you two different methods to remove the unwanted permanent makeup in our beauty center BEAUTYSHAPE.

Permanent makeup laser removal is a safe and quick method that will help to permanently get rid of permanent makeup of any shade without damaging the skin.

Saline removal microbladingis the second professional method. Saline remover for eyebrow is a special liquid product with a balanced composition that dissolves the colour in tattoo pigments of the skin.

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laser microblading removal

When to go for the permanent makeup removal?

In many cases, Permanent make-up (PMU) can stay in your skin for up to 2 years without any further adjustments. However, when the ink particles used are too big, the immune system can hardly get rid of them naturally, therefore a permanent makeup can stay in place for up to 10 years. That is why you might want to get rid of your PMU sooner. The other reasons are:

  • The initial color has migrated into blue or reddish one. Or the old tattoo has already faded.
  • The eyebrows look asymmetrical or too dark and you are not satisfied with the PMU result and therefore would like to correct the shape or change the style.
  • Social reasons or image change. Eyebrow edges that are too sharp or too round.


At BEAUTYSHAPE we offer 2 methods of permanent makeup removal

Each method of permanent makeup removal is applied individually based on the characteristics of the ink particles, its colour and the desired result of the client.
laser microblading removal

Laser Permanent makeup / microblading removal

Permanent makeup laser removal is considered the safest way to remove the unwanted permanent eyebrow or lip tattoos. We use the world's leading lasers to safely and effectively remove your unwanted tattoo, therefore no scars will appear after the treatment. The laser beam only affects the pigment without affecting the skin. The beam has different wavelengths - from 532 nm to 1064 nm. The doctor will adjust the laser depending on the age of the tattoo and the shade of the pigment. The brighter the pigment, the more efficiently it converges. Fresh permanent make-up is therefore always easier to remove. The Q-switch neodymium laser is the best laser for eyebrow tattoo removal. It has a high degree of beam generation and is safe for hair follicles. Hair continues to grow without damage. So you don't have to worry.

saline microblading removal

Saline microblading removal

OdsPMU removal with the help of a saline remover is an instrumental technique for working with a chemical composition to destroy the pigment under the skin. The remover is a suspension, the formula of which includes components that have a similar structure to the pigment. Using a device with an ultra-thin needle, the dye is injected deep, where the remover triggers the biochemical reaction of the exposure. Its molecules are very small, but strong enough - already during the procedure you can see how they work and intensively push the pigment to the surface of the skin. Scabs containing tattoo ink form in the treated area over the next few days. As the skin heals, more of the unwanted color is pushed out. The husks will begin to peel off naturally, and with them the remains of ink and pigments.

How permanent make-up removal is done at BEAUTYSHAPE Prague?

The treatment takes 20-30 minutes

  • The eyebrows are thoroughly cleaned, then disinfection is applied.
  • In case of saline removal, the next stage is the application of 3 different preparations (the duration of action varies depending on the structure of the eyebrow hairs).
  • In case of laser removal, cooling of the zone and selection of the laser wavelength. The effect of the laser pulse on the pigment, slight redness and swelling will appear in the first hours.

Removal of permanent makeup - prices

Laser PMU removal 1st visit

3000 Kč

Laser PMU removal 2nd visit

2500 Kč

Laser PMU removal every other visit

2000 Kč

Saline PMU removal solution

2500 Kč


Permanent makeup removal

Key advantages of permanent makeup removal in BeautyShape:

Permanent makeup laser removal:
  • The most effective method of removing permanent makeup
  • Much faster than other methods
  • No scars or irritation
Chemical removal with saline remover
  • Gentler action of the product
  • Completely safe. Acts on all possible types of pigment shades;
  • No risk of pigment spots

Interested? Book your visit:

+420 773034747

Permanent makeup removal; CUSTOMER REVIEWS:

odstranění permanentního makeupu

Planning to get a new permanent makeup after removing the old one? Great!

If you have your permanent makeup removed at BEAUTYSHAPE, you will receive a discount voucher of CZK 500 for the application of new permanent makeup. Voucher validity - 3 months. Don't miss it.

Book PMU Removal

Use free non-binding consultation

If you are not sure, which treatment suits you the most, you can book a free consultation with our professional.

Booking of your visit you can do in 2 ways:

Removal of permanent makeup. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Is there any preparation required?

    Ano. 2 týdny před ošetřením se doporučuje: omezit požívání silného čaje a kávy, zdržet se alkoholu a kouření. Minimalizujte příjem jídel a potravin, které vyvolávají ředění krve. Zastavte léčbu hormonálními léky a antibiotiky - v případě potřeby konzultujte s lékařem.
  • Is it possible to remove permanent makeup during menstruation?

    Období menstruace není kontraindikací pro laserové odstranění tetování rtů, obočí nebo očních linek. V období menstruace však u žen stoupá práh bolesti. Ošetření může být bolestivé i při použití anestetika.
  • Is there a post-treatment regimen?

    Po aplikaci a prvních 3 dny po ošetření je zásadní dodržovat následující pravidla:
    • nelze navštěvovat sauny, lázně, bazény;
    • nelze otírat oblast prostředky obsahující alkohol;
    • před odchodem na ulici se doporučuje používat opalovací krém s ochranným faktorem nejméně 30.
    2 týdny po ošetření se nemůžete opalovat, navštěvovat solárium. Také stojí za to zdržet se fyzické námahy. .
  • Kdy si mohu po laserovém odstranění nechat udělat nové tetování?

    Chcete-li zjistit, za jak dlouho můžete jít na tetování po odstranění tetování obočí nebo očních linek laserem? Musíte se poradit se specialistou. Pro aplikaci nového tetování je důležité, aby byla kůže neporušená. Kdy můžete tetovat po laserovém odstranění závisí na stavu epidermisu. Po poslední návštěvě u kosmetičky je potřeba ještě 6-8 týdnů počkat. Během této doby se kůže uzdraví z poškození a aplikace nového tetování proběhne bez komplikací. Použití našeho krému pomůže obnovit pokožku..

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