Massage in Prague (Czech Republic)
The practice of using touch as a healing method derives from customs and techniques rooted in ancient history. Civilizations in the East and West found that natural healing and massage could heal injuries, relieve pain, and prevent and cure illnesses. What’s more, it helped reduce stress and produce deep relaxation. Massage therapy began as a sacred system of natural healing.
However, cultural shifts rendered it a disreputable form of indulgence for extensive periods of history. Enduring these turns, massage has experienced resurgence in modern times. Today, massage therapy stands as a highly respected holistic healing method practiced across the world.
The best massage center in Prague
The pressures of modern living and a hectic city lifestyle can take their toll on our body and the delicate inner systems which support it. At BeautyShape massage division we understand this very well and we are here to help you to reduce the stresses of your lifestyle.

Relaxation (Swedish) massage
Our relaxation massage is designed to replenish flagging resources and deliver a new you, feeling relaxed, recharged and ready for anything. Our professional therapists are fully trained and qualified. The only thing you'll have to do is relax and enjoy. During a relaxation massage there is less emphasis on working out serious adhesions or knots in the muscle tissue and the therapist won't push your discomfort limits in order to get the muscle to release. Our relaxation massage is so soothing as a matter of fact that often our clients fall asleep during the massage therapy session.
Swedish massage - pricelist
90 min
1 500 CZK
40 min
750 CZK
60 min
990 CZK
60 min
990 CZK
60 min
990 CZK

Sports Massage (Deep tissue therapy)
Sports Massage Therapy was originally designed with athletics and athletes in mind. This therapy was first utilized as part of a training program that aided athletes in making sure they were in top shape before a big event, it also helped in recovering from the stresses of the same big event. This treatment method has proven so effective it is now used to treat people suffering from chronic pain, as well as people with injuries that limit their mobility and range of motion. Chronic ailments such as fibroblast and muscular dystrophy respond well to sports massage therapy when it is included in an overall treatment program.
Full body or specific parts
Length: 60 /90 min
1 100 /1 600 CZK

NEW! Tranquillity anti-stress - 5* SPA massage ritual (90 min)
Aromatic well-being treatment for the face and body. Involves an envelopment to hydrate the skin, followed by a massage of he body and face to calm and soothe the body and mind. Includes application of essential oils of rosewood, vanilla, rose, cedar, palmarosa and orange. This relaxing anti stress treatment provides a deep hydrating effect, relieves states of tension and stress, smoothes and tonifies the skin.
Length: 90 min
1 600 CZK
Tranquillity anti-stress 1+1 at half a price - you save up to 800 CZK!

Anticellulite massage with slimming body wrap Comfort Zone (Italy)
Fight against the orange peel skin and stretch marks using a special spa program, which will help eliminate cellulite and unwanted fat pads and reshape curves of the body. Nourishing and elasticizing active ingredients renew the skin, promote collagen synthesis and essential oils for an immediate aid to detoxification.
Length: 75 min
1 300 CZK
Special Offer! Package 4+1 for FREE!

Traditional Lomi Lomi massage
Believed to have originated in the Hawaiian Islands, Lomi Lomi massage is a form of full body massage that is unlike any other massage modality. As a client receiving a Lomi Lomi massage, the main difference you will notice is that the massage is performed on your entire body at once. Unlike most other massages where the therapist uncovers and treats one body region at a time, in a Lomi Lomi massage the therapist will use long flowing strokes that go from head to toe in a continuous, rhythmic movement massaging both the top and the underside of your body.
The physical benefits of this massage are the same as other types of massage in terms of relaxing muscles, promoting circulation and releasing blocked energy. The difference lies in the Hawaiian traditions woven into the massage, including the belief that "loving hands" help you release not only physical tension but also mental, emotional and spiritual blockages.
Length: 60/90 min
1200/ 1500 CZK

Hot stone massage
Hot stone massage is a variation on classic massage therapy. Heated smooth, flat stones are placed on key points on the body. The massage therapist may also hold the stones and use them to massage certain areas of the body.
Hot stone massage is suited to people who tend to feel chilly or who have cold feet. It's also suited for people who have muscle tension but prefer a lighter massage. The heat relaxes muscles, allowing the therapist to work the muscles without using deep pressure.
Ideal for people with:
- Back pain and aches.Osteoarthritis.
- Poor circulation. Arthritis.
- Stress, anxiety and tension.Depression.Insomnia.
Length: 60/90 min
1200/1650 CZK

New! Tranquility PRO-SLEEP massage
A new innovative massage acting for induction of deep relaxation. Our therapists use combination of nice touches, unique blend of essential oils and special Tranquillity™ Sound. The massage is based on principles of Ayurvéda which are added by using of soft brushes. It is the way to achieve a quiet and peaceful mind and body state favoring sleep and helping to recover jetlag side-effects.
Length: 90 min
1 600 Kč
Special offers and packages for massage services
Why do we recommend purchasing our packages?
Key reasons:
- repetitive massages is more effective than just one massage
- buying a package is less expensive than pay for a massage one by one
- several people can go for a massage - the ticket is transferable!
Massage package
Massage package
Massage package
Massage package
Massage gift vouchers
Looking for a nice present to your friends or family members? Make a beautiful present by purchasing a gift voucher to BeautyShape center in Prague!
Gift voucher: back massage
Length: 60 min
990 CZK
Gift voucher: full body massage
Length: 90 min
1500 CZK
Massage: frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Massage contraindications
cancer, fever, flu, inflammation, infection, skin diseases, varicose veins, thrombosis, pregnancy.;.Can I have a massage during menstruation?
It is preferable to wait. Massage leads to increasing blood flow..I suffer from back pain, would you recommend me to have this procedure?
Specification of your pain will be discussed with you personally, I would recommend the Swedish "classic" massage.
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