If you book services with length over 2 hours, a guarantee deposit is requiered.
For the convenience of our customers, BEAUTYSHAPE now introduces a system to afford customers to replenish their BEAUTYSHAPE account online. You can add money directly from your bank account or credit card for free. No credit or debit card details are kept.
Add Guarantee deposit to your BEAUTYSHAPE account online.
How it works?
- Choose bellow the amount you want to transfer to your BEAUTYSHAPE account
- Immediately after transaction is completed, you will recieve a unique confirmation code to your email.
- Inform our reception, when making booking in our salon. Your deposit will be applied to your final bill duiring your visit.
Pay deposit to guaranteed your booking in BEAUTYSHAPE
Need to change or cancel your appointment?
On occasions you may need to change your appointment time or day and will always respect this. To avoid any inconvenience, we kindly ask that you give us a minimum of 24 hours’ notice so that another client has the opportunity to make an appointment.
Important! If you do not arrive for your appointment the guarantee deposit will be forfeited. In case of prepaid service package (abonement card), 1 service will be forfeited from the package.
BeautyShape – the largest Hair and Beauty salon in Prague. Over 100 beauty treatments for you at one place.